Facebook Like Button - W3C Valid

Update! I have created a new script called Multiple W3C Valid Facebook Like buttons that can be used as an alternative to the script below. Please try both scripts to evaluate the best one for your site.

Having spent the past couple of weeks creating new tools for my freelance user interface design work, I thought I would share some of my work amongst my blog followers and those struggling with the Facebook like button.

Although it's a great feature to have a Facebook like button on your website, the standard files provided by Facebook are not W3C valid, which if you are like me and you strive for perfection; will make you annoyed and wishing for coherent web standards. Well don't stress! I have created a simple Facebook like button that is W3C valid and sits nicely within the page, allowing for asynchronous transfer of the Facebook JavaScript files so your site won't feel the impact of downloading the script from Facebook.

Try it for yourself and download the facebook-like-button.zip at the bottom of this page. And please give me some credit or at least click my Facebook like button at the top of this website - I need the love too you know...


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