Magento inode usage

If you are using a server where inode usage forms part of your hosting provider's TOS then please read this article.

I use Crucial Web Host for all my Magento work because they are simply brilliant at what they do. The problem is things can get quite expensive because Magento has the inherent problem of consuming a lot of resources and inodes.

To make sure you Magento install is in top shape you should do the following:

  1. Login to your hosting account via SSH
  2. Check your inode usage using the following SSH command: find . -print | wc -l
  3. CD / change directory to your Magento install directory
  4. Run this command using SSH: rm -rf downloader/pearlib/cache/* downloader/pearlib/download/*

This will clear the Magento Connect cache and download folders of unwanted files that have already been installed and may be clogging up your installation directory.

So each time you use Magento Connect make sure all files and folders listed under downloader/pearlib/cache/ and downloader/pearlib/download/ are deleted otherwise you may end up breaking your hosting provider's TOS resulting in website downtime or extra costs you didn't budget for.